Friday, February 11, 2011

Seasons with Purpose

Life is FULL of Seasons....and specifically in this blog my focus is on the seasons in a Woman's life.You know, before we held any other identity, God made us Female, and with that identity He gave us specific roles and characteristics that would bring glory to Him and that would bring us joy and contentment in every stage of womanhood. So, whether that means you are a single young lady, a newlywed, a first-time mom, a mom with 5 little ones, a Grandma-  all are in an appointed Season of our life. God's Word says: "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven". (Eccl. 3:1)
God has appointed, before the foundations of the world, the seasons of your life and mine. He has chosen the works he wants us to accomplish for His glory. Some seasons of a Christian woman's life will mean saying "no" to some really good things. Some seasons may mean saying more "yes". Some seasons may seem lonelier, some may seem more busy, some will seem harder, and some will be easier.

My desire is that this blog would be an instrument to encourage women to savor every stage of life, to find contentment and rest in what God has appointed for you today, and to see that every Season holds opportunities to bring glory to Christ, to serve His church, and to grow in biblical femininity. 

You will find encouraging posts about being a wife, a mom, being single, posts about gardening or cooking, ideas about homeschooling, perhaps some funny stories, recipes- and all sorts of things that women will enjoy.  I plan on getting several women in different stages of life to contribute, so that we can learn from one another. Let's enjoy the wonderful calling of being a Woman.


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